Saturday, May 29, 2010

Care Pakage

Yesterday, I sent my second care package to our troops overseas. I found a soldier's address at I made 12 cards, and my friend, Meredith, helped me write letters inside all of them (I also included some Bible verses!). I encourage you all to make your own care package to send! It is not hard to do, especially after you find an address. Usually, the soldier will even have a profile on, and they can tell you what kind of treats they enjoy receiving. I sent coffee, bland cards, pens, candy, power propel drink mix, and peanuts. I also sent it in a flat rate box. =)


Deanna said...

Beautiful cards, Katherine! I know that your solider will be so happy to get them. I have friends who are serving in Afghanistan right now and they look forward to mail so much. One of my friends said that getting an email is nice, but mail is AWESOME because you can hold it.

Jenna said...

Beautiful! Wonderful idea..

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