Thursday, February 4, 2010

Audio Drama

One of my very favorite things to do is listen to Focus on the Family's Radio Theater Audio Dramas. Over the years I've collected A BUNCH of their audio CDs. I wanted to share some of my very favorites with you all!

My two very favorites are the Father Gilbert Mysteries (pictured above) and the whole Narnia series. This series centers around Father Louis Gilbert, a former Scotland Yard detective who became an Anglican priest and the Vicar of St. Mark's Church, in the fictional Sussex village of Stonebridge. These audio dramas are extremely exciting and I would recommend them for people ages 13 and up. I have listened to these over and over and I never get tiered of them!!

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you like Little Women, you will LOVE these CDs!

I have never read Ben Hur, just listened to the CDs. It is a timeless classic That my whole family enjoys listening to. =)

I have never read the book Les Miserables, just listened to the CDs. It took me a few times of listening to the whole thing before I completely understood it, but it is a GREAT story!!!

Finally, my almost favoritest (I don't think that is a real word but it fits!)!!! This was the first set I ever got, and I can not even tell you guys how many times I have listened to them all. They are all on my ipod and I probably have most of them memorized. If you love Narnia, you will really LOVE these CDs!!

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